Communication & Engagement
How will you communicate with your users? How will you solicit feedback from your users?
A vital component of working collaboratively is communication. Communicating with users about project status updates, feature prioritization, and user study opportunities can take many forms. It is also necessary to communicate externally to prospective users and other stakeholders.
Here are a few examples of communication and user engagement strategies employed by Hyku for Consortia:
- User group meetings: Hyku Commons User Group Running Agenda
- Blog posts: Hyku for Consortia News
- Presentations: Hyku for Consortia Presentations & Demos
- Community Discussion Space: Hyku Commons Basecamp
- Prioritization Surveys: Hyku Commons Metadata Development Survey
- Research Plan: Hyku for Consortia User Experience (UX) Research and Development Plan
- UX Research: Hyku Commons Phase One User Experience Research Report