Vision, Mission, Values

Repositories at Scale


For collaborating libraries to have agency in repository platform selection and management to effectively support both local and shared institutional and scholarly communications needs at scale.

Graphic of two people working with charts and a big lightbulb floating overhead
Graphic of three people holding a chart with a giant pencil in front of it and a lightbulb floating over one of the people


Together, we are developing an affordable, open-source, and collaborative repository solution based on the Samvera Hyku platform.

graphic of person sitting at computer with a plant on the desk and bubbles portraying a lightbulb, gear, clock and papers floating overheadValues

  • Cost-effective, with a sustainable and controllable cost structure. 
  • Multi-tenant, with individual branding, theming, and search per participant.
  • User-friendly to users of all types (librarian, faculty, student, etc.)
  • Open source, and promoting open access to information.
  • Community-owned and supported by a diverse community of developers and service providers. 
  • Cooperative, allowing collaborative management and decision making.
  • Scalable for use by groups and participating institutions of varied sizes and types.
  • Interoperable and allows free-flow of data with easy import and export.
  • Flexible in design and workflow. 
  • Customizable based on a shared and user-centered approach to development.
  • Comparable in features with commercial repository solutions.
  • Improvable, allowing developments to be contributed back for community benefit.
  • Future-facing and not rooted in old technology structures.