Hyku for Consortia
Collaborative Repository Toolkit
Produced by PALNI and PALCI in partnership with LOUIS, VIVA, Samvera, and Software Services by Scientist.com
The Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) and the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration and Innovation (PALCI) are pleased to introduce the Hyku for Consortia Collaborative Repository Toolkit, a resource for scaling up shared repository solutions. Get started by exploring the toolkit contents below. For questions, contact us via email.
Toolkit Contents

Communication & Engagement
How will you communicate with your users? How will you solicit feedback?
Collaborate with Communication

& Training
How will you document processes and provide user instructions?
Apply Documentation Strategies

Staffing &
Service Model
How will the repository be staffed and workflows managed?
Employ Staff & Service Models

How will the repository be controlled and who makes decisions about policies and funding?
Govern Strategically

How will the repository be built, hosted and maintained to support
your users?
Dive into Development

Hyku for Consortia
Learn more about our partnerships and our collaborative institutional repository initiative.
Visit Our Website
Why Hyku for Consortia?
In the face of continued budgetary pressures, libraries seek cost-saving approaches to their work. Due to costs or other constraints, those unable to deploy institutional repository services are increasingly looking to consortia to serve this role. Hyku supports the repository needs of library groups by increasing affordability and flexibility in a scalable, multi-tenant environment.

Want more info?
Contact the Hyku team
Connect with us for questions about the Hyku for Consortia project, technical questions about Hyku Commons, or to join the Hyku listserv.