Staffing & Service Model
How will the shared repository be staffed, and will you share human resources? What services will you provide, and how are workflows managed?
It’s essential to know the roles and responsibilities involved in staffing a collaborative repository and to define who will fill those roles. The duties will evolve over time, but frequently keeping an eye on who is responsible for leading services such as training, troubleshooting, prioritization, communication, and strategic direction will be beneficial for the project over the long term.
Here are a few examples of staffing and service model strategies employed by Hyku for Consortia:
- Roles and Responsibilities: Hyku for Consortia Program Support Roles
- Platform Host and Developer: Software Services by
- Workflows: Hyku for Consortia Workflows for Common Activities [sample]
- Pilot Information/Agreement: Hyku for Consortia Pilot Participant Role, Expectations, and Acknowledgment [sample]
- Piloter Toolkit: Hyku for Consortia Pilot Toolkit: Tenant Managers [sample]
- Ongoing Support: Ongoing Support for Consortial Partners in Hyku for Consortia [sample]
*Items marked "sample" may not be in current use by Hyku for Consortia